Empowering Youth

How to Get Career Clarity with 4C3P Coaching Program  


Our life is the result of the choices we make. Career choice is a challenge that confronts almost everyone at some point of time. Hence, it should be taken up seriously and not flippantly at the suggestion of your well wishers, or because your friends have opted for it or because you are being bullied into it  or just because your mom or father dreamt of that career plus any other random reason.

I am writing this blog to share my personal perspective regarding the career clarity one needs before one takes any decision regarding the career selection. I strongly believe just knowing about the career choices, which abound in the present times, is a partial solution to getting career clarity. Career choice  impacts our life more than anything else.There are many significant things to be addressed before anyone takes such an important decision .

4C3P is a unique Career coaching program, all encompassing  and holistic, that provides a quick but long lasting solution to the psychological, mental and emotional challenges  faced by students, scholars and individuals. Later we reason and take a reality check on ‘Do you need a Mentor?’ Some things to ponder over. 

Whether you join it or read it, is immaterial but the write up is intended to make you reflect that Career is but one part of the bigger whole, that is our life. Perfect clarity is needed not just superficially but internally as well, if the outcome has to be success with peace and happiness. 

Go on reading and gleaning and imbibing

Table of Contents

Know Yourself First


Any Career clarity decision pre- envisages knowing your own self:

What are your ticks? 

What are your pricks?

What fascinates you and what makes you come alive ?

What infuriates you, irritates you and in sorrows makes you dive?

Do you have any value system to hold you up? 

Strong principles to propel and row you up?

So how can you just look around at what  is selling ?

What if it is not your calling!

Hold on friend, pause, reflect and know yourself ,

Before you plunge and take a rash decision, 


Which has not come from the crevices of your own heart 

Is it a dictate, or random suggestion, or peer pressure!

Or is it to keep up with the joneses, your choice thresher?

Map yourself inside out, discover your riches,

For you have them, all, each one, in a plenty

Seek, find, discover and nurture 

It is a significant selection.

I assure you, life will be a beautiful song

For you to hum along, 

you are never too old


If you can do it on your own , wonderful!

If not, get yourself a mentor, a genuine and deep human 

To guide you, propel you, if required, to prepare you ,

not for just momentary solutions but  life long anew

For life is much more than career and wealth

You need to live, learn and earn for better.

World outside is tinsel and misleading

Delve deep for proceeding and succeeding.

Career coaching is a process that helps individuals make informed decisions about their career paths.

It provides guidance, support, and resources to help individuals identify their strengths, passions, and goals, and develop a plan to achieve them. I have named my career coaching program, the 4C3P program.

How is the 4C3P Career Clarity Program different ?

                 Let us unfold the petals of the acronym 4C3P:

First C stands for competence: differently worded as intelligent, the natural gifts we are born with. Each human being is born unique, with his own share, rather  ‘a combination of intelligences’  as per the research by Howard Gardener, John Holland and Mackenzie.* Add to it the kaleidoscope of interests and passions, the personality and orientation, the aptitude and values which differ from person to person.  

Second C stands for compatibility: Just like every plant needs a special or unique soil and environment to survive; so also each human being functions at his optimum best when he is placed in a congruent environment*. Hence, whatever the choice you make for your career it should be in congruence with the sum total of who you are.

Third C is the career or profession, the major aspect of our lives, as we all spend a significant portion of our time earning a living and pursuing personal growth and development through it providing us with financial stability, a sense of purpose and opportunities, of learning new skills and knowledge.

Therefore, it is important to choose a career or profession that aligns with our interests, values and goals to ensure a fulfilling and successful life.

Fourth C is the epitome of the program,CLARITY. It is an acronym coined by me to replace the overused ‘smart goals’.

You may have heard of SMART goals; the latest lingua is smarter. However, we talk of clarity as the beacon light for the  goals to be powerful enough to empower you.

The Goals that you draft should have clarity thus:

Set Crystal Clear goals that are challenging.

Set Long lasting goals that are logical.

Set Assessable goals that are achievable.

Set Relevant goals that are often reviewed.  

Set Insightful Ikigai goals* that are balanced.

Set Time-bound goals taken with timely kaizen steps.

Set Yielding-Result goals that yield joy and Peace.


Next, 4C3P is a  proactive process. It is a Competence Compatible Career Clarity program that aligns you with your purpose, passion and principles. Every profession or a career should be triggered by these three powerful forces.

The ultimate goal of all our pursuits is happiness.

 It is only when we align our goals and their pursuit with these three potent motivations that we are likely to be happy and joyful.

The 4C3P program is designed to help individuals identify their purpose, principles and passions and align them with their career choices. By doing so, individuals can find greater satisfaction and fulfilment in their personal and professional lives, which is my ultimate objective in my mission of giving Career clarity and confidence to 10 million scholars.

Fourth step: Purpose Purpose refers to the reason for our existence or the goal we aim to achieve in life. It is essential to situate it with our purpose to ensure that we are fulfilled and satisfied with our work. When our career  and purpose blend, we feel motivated and driven to achieve our goals, leading to greater success and fulfilment.

Fifth step: Principles* Principles refer to the set of values and beliefs that guide our decision making and behaviour. Our career should be marshalled  by our principles to ensure that we are working in a way that aligns with our core values and beliefs. Only when this happens, that we are likely to experience a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction in our work. 

A potent point to reflect on, if you are not happy with wherever you are placed presently or are likely to be placed; it is an indication that your value system does not blend with your environment. The sooner you change it the better. Hence, before you jump into anything, any career field ensure your value system coincides.

Sixth Step: PassionPurpose &.Passion

Passion refers to the things we enjoy doing or are naturally good at. Our career should synchronise with our passions to ensure that we are doing work that we love and are passionate about. When our career syncs with our passions, we are more likely to be successful, motivated, and fulfilled in our work.

In the words of Oprah Winfrey, Passion is Energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

In the words of Bob Steve, “Passion is the difference between having a job or having a career “.


5E Technique:


Next comes my 5E formula to Explore, Evolve and Establish to Elevate and Excel.

Explore: the first step involves taking a deep dive into your aptitude , personality, interests,  values and skills to gain a better 

understanding of yourself. Mapping can be done with the help of Modern Scientific Tools like  Psychometric Tests*

A lot of research and work has been done on psychometric assessments to gain a better understanding of yourself and what motivates you. This self exploration can help you identify potential career paths that align with your passion and strengths.

Evolve: Once you have a general idea of the direction you want to go, the next step is to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue that path. This may involve taking courses, getting certifications, or gaining experience through internships or volunteer work. Virtual internships can also give you a glimpse of the work profile if you are uncertain.

4C3P career coaching program goes two steps further by empowering you with powerful study skills that will make school and college life easy, fortified with pre-emptive life skills that will make attaining your career joyful and not stressful.

Establish: Once you know the direction you need to make an action plan and execute it to establish yourself in your chosen field. This may involve building a professional network, creating a strong resume and online presence, actively seeking out job opportunities.

Elevate: As you evolve gaining  more experience and expertise in your chosen field , you can work on elevating yourself and your career by taking on leadership roles, pursuing advanced degrees or certifications, and seeking out opportunities for growth and advancement. You may need a reinforcement of life skills like time management, mental and emotional grip, compassion and service to stay aloft and enthusiastic.ten years

Excel: Finally, the ultimate goal is to excel in your career by continually learning, growing and achieving your goals. This may involve setting new challenges for yourself , seeking out mentorship and guidance, and staying up-to-date on industry trends and developments 

Excellence is not a chance occurrence. It is the fruition of your daily habits. It is better to strive for excellence in life rather than career for career is but a  part of your life. The focus and intention should always be on elevating your life, career will follow by default.

This may involve setting new challenges for yourself, seeking out mentorship and guidance and staying up-to-date on industry trends and developments.

The 4C3P program can help you navigate these steps and achieve success in your career. The program focuses on helping individuals gain clarity about their career goals and develop the confidence and skills necessary to    pursue those goals. Through self-exploration, career assessments, and coaching, the program can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop a career plan, and take actionable steps towards achieving your goals. 

Does an individual need a coach to discover career clarity?

There are many reasons why an individual may need career coaching for clarity.

Some of the most common reasons  include: 

1. Difficulty in  making a career choice/change:

Making a career choice, particularly a change, can be a daunting task.  Also, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

Change can be regarding any scenario: your present stream you are in, your present pursuit of a career and your present job . Suddenly you are hit by the fact that it is not meant for you. So, now what to do? Further, you have a realisation but do not know where to start. Fears and doubts assail you;

Is it right to change now?

Where to begin ?

What change to go for?

How to go about it?

Career consultant can provide guidance on how to navigate the job market, identify transferable skills, and develop a plan for transitioning to a new field whatever, wherever and whenever you require it

2.  Lack of direction or purpose:

Some individuals may feel uncertain about their career goals or may not have a clear sense of what they want to do in the future. Career coaching can help individuals identify their strengths, passions, and values, and develop a plan for achieving their goals.

3.  Uncertainty about next steps:

Even those who have a clear sense of their goals may not know how to achieve them. Career coaching can provide guidance on how to create a strategic plan, build a professional network, and develop the skills and experience needed to advance in their careers.

4. Need to assess and evaluate the career options:

Career coaching can also help individuals to assess and evaluate the different career options that are available to them. It can help to identify the pros and cons of different options and guide the individual in selecting the best path.Moreover the career should be compatible with your competencies and many other factors explained.

5.Lack of awareness:

Are you aware of the plethora of career choices available?

Academics is not the only way. With advancement of technology and digitisation the barriers of place, space and time have dwindled. In the online world today you can dream and achieve any far-fetched destination.

6. Clarity brings power :

With mentoring you can clearly know what you are made for, what are your ticks and ignitions. This will empower you and give you the much needed push and  determination to embark on your journey of a thousand miles.

7. Feeling stuck in amotivation current job or career path:

Many individuals may find themselves in a job or career that no longer aligns with their goals or interests. Career coaching can help individuals identify new opportunities and explore alternative career paths.

8. Lack of Motivation:

If you feel lack lustre, dull and uninspired , you need to create a motivational environ around you, like minded community where people will not judge you . This can come best if join a tribe or a mentor to give you that fizz , much needed to be happy. Perhaps you need a change or fine tweaking your present career .Perhaps you need the life skills to rise above the storms or the high tide . Yes mentor will row you across .

If you have any of these challenges think of 4C3P.

You will not be disappointed . Life is to be lived and enjoyed and not fretted away. Career is but a means. So make the most of it .


To conclude, the ‘wholistic’ approach rather than a pin- point approach of the 4C3P career coaching program makes it  a valuable resource for anyone looking to make informed decisions about their career path. It can provide guidance, support, and resources to help individuals identify their strengths, passions and goals, and develop a plan to act upon them rising above the mental and emotional hurdles of self.



I, Vinita Vohra help students in dilemma find Career clarity and purpose in life, helping them to make their life Happy, Healthy and Holistic and Excel using my5E Formula Viz. Explore, Evolve, Establish, Elevate and Excel. Just knowing is not enough. You need to update your study skills and attitude, in consonance with the  digital age.

 Sign up here to get her Career C.L.A.R.I.T.Y model and also the psychometric test.

Know me. Contact me.

click for webinar. It would be my pleasure if I can reach out and help you


8 thoughts on “How to Get Career Clarity with 4C3P Coaching Program  ”

  1. Pingback:  Multiple Intelligence theory & Career Clarity - Axilla

  2. Pingback: 7 Powerful Steps Of Setting  Goals & Achieving Them - Axilla

  3. This kind of Holistic approach is very well needed in modern times where there are overwhelming choices but no clarity. All the aspects of your life need to align to be successful.

  4. Pingback: 6 Tips to align Goals with Purpose & Principles

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  6. Pingback: 8 Simple Steps to Discover Your Core Values - Axilla

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