Empowering Youth

7 Powerful Strategies to focus on while Setting ClarityGoals & Achieving Them: The C.l.a.r.i.t.y Goals


7 powerful steps of setting GoalsHow to Set Powerful Goals?

There are 7 powerful steps of setting Goals with the acronym of C.L.A.R.I.T.Y of the 4c3P course of Career Clarity.

At whatever stage or age, at whatever the platform or phase of life, setting goals is  always a  powerful way to get clear direction and focus. Goals set the path rolling and take away the insecurities and uncertainties replacing them with clear guidelines like a GPS, irrespective of the nature of the chosen path be it  difficult or arduous, rough or high.

There are 7 Powerful Steps Of Setting  Goals & Achieving Them.

To turn a dream into a reality setting goals is the first step to give wings to your dreams  making your life meaningful, successful and happy.

However, how to set goals is the million-dollar question? Just thinking and dreaming about something is not enough. You cannot simply declare or assume, ‘I want this or that”. 

You may visualise day and night but nothing will happen unless you back it up with a concrete action plan that is consistently and persistently applied. 

There are Powerful Steps Of Setting  Goals & Achieving  them without undue pressure and pain, making your journey joyful and exhilarating. In fact, each of the  7 steps of setting goals is a Goal Unto itself. 

I my blog I seek to discuss each Step at length  enunciating with examples to unravel  how important is the concept of Clarity to setting Goals, to Make, Break or Blaze a unique Path. Moreover, all the goals overlap,  complementing  and supplementing each other.  

Table of Contents

7 Smart Strategies to Set SMARTER Goals with C.L.A.R.I.T.Y

You may have heard of SMART goals; the latest lingua being smarter. However, I talk of clarity as the acronym for goals to be powerful and give you power. Here is a seven-step checklist for the process of setting powerful  Goals with C.L.A.R.I.T.Y in the 4C3P Course thus:

STEP ONE: Setting Goals That Are Crystal Clear and Challenging:

 Setting crystal clear and  challenging goals, can be a powerful way to unlock your full potential and achieve incredible success in both your personal and professional life. 

When you set goals that are clear and specific, you give yourself a clear target to aim for, which helps you focus your efforts and stay motivated even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.

However, one way to keep the momentum going is to have constantly greater goals. When the goals are challenging, you push yourself to grow and develop in ways you may not have thought possible, ultimately leading to greater self-confidence and fulfilment.

Set goals not limits

As the famous motivational speaker and author, Brian Tracy, once said, “The establishment of a clear, central purpose or goal in life is the starting point of all success.” 

Indeed, setting crystal clear goals that are challenging is a crucial first step towards achieving your dreams and aspirations. It’s not enough to simply have a vague idea of what you want to achieve – you need to articulate your goals in specific and measurable terms.

As another well-known speaker, Tony Robbins, puts it, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” By setting clear and challenging goals, you create a roadmap for yourself that can guide you towards success and fulfilment, no matter what obstacles you may face along the way. So don’t be afraid to dream big and aim high – with a clear goal in mind, anything is possible with setting goals! 

In the words of Norman Vincent Peale, When you affirm big, believe big and pray big, putting faith into action, big things happen.”

STEP TWO : Setting Goals That Are Logical & Long Lasting:

However, not all goals are created equal. To truly maximise the benefits of setting goals, it’s important to set long-lasting goals that are logical.

long lasting ,logical goals

“Logical is aligned with your competencies, your potential, your purpose, your values and have great bearing on your future, hence should be long lasting “. Therefore,  Logical goals are those that are realistic, achievable, and aligned with an individual’s abilities, resources, and circumstances. However, Logical goals are not impossible dreams or fantasies, but instead, they are attainable targets that can be achieved through hard work and perseverance.

Long-lasting goals are those that have a lasting impact and provide value beyond the short term. They are typically related to personal growth, career advancement, or significant life changes. These types of goals require time, effort, and dedication to achieve, but the benefits can be truly life-changing.

Let’s look at some examples to better understand the importance of setting long-lasting goals that are aligned with these logical factors:


 Your competencies are your abilities, skills, and knowledge that you have developed over time. Setting goals that align with your competencies can help you leverage your strengths and achieve greater success. For example, if you are a skilled writer, setting a long-lasting goal of writing a book can be a logical goal that aligns with your competencies and provides a sense of accomplishment.


Your potential powers,  untapped abilities and capabilities that can be developed over time. Setting goals that align with your potential can help you unlock new opportunities and achieve greater success. For example, if you have a talent for public speaking, setting a long-lasting goal of becoming a motivational speaker can be a logical goal that aligns with your potential.


Your purpose is your reason for being, your sense of meaning and direction in life. Setting goals that align with your purpose can help you live a more fulfilling and satisfying life. For example, if your purpose is to make a positive impact on the world, setting a long-lasting goal of starting a non-profit organisation can be a logical goal that aligns with your purpose.

Values:Focus on Goals Not Obstacles

Your values are your beliefs and principles that guide your behaviour and decision-making. Setting goals that align with your values can help you live a more authentic and meaningful life. For example, if one of your values is environmental sustainability, setting a long-lasting goal of starting a green business can be a logical goal that aligns with your values.

Setting long-lasting goals that are logical can provide numerous benefits, including increased motivation, a sense of purpose, and personal and professional growth. By following these steps and committing to your goals, you can achieve significant results that last a lifetime. 

Remember, as the famous quote by Jim Rohn goes, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

To set long-lasting goals that are logical, there are a few key steps that individuals can follow:

Identify your values and priorities:

Before setting any goals, it’s important to understand what truly matters to you. Take some time to reflect on your values and priorities and think about how they align with your personal and professional goals.

 Be Time specific and measurable:

 To ensure your goals are long-lasting, make sure they are time specific and measurable. Define what you want to achieve? by when? and how? you will measure progress towards your goal. 

Break down into smaller steps:

Long-lasting goals can seem daunting, but breaking them down into smaller steps can make them more manageable. Create a roadmap of smaller goals that will help you achieve your larger goal.

  Stay flexible:

Even the most logical goals can face obstacles and challenges along the way. Be prepared to adjust your plans as needed and stay flexible in your approach.

In conclusion, setting long-lasting goals that are logical and aligned with your competencies, potential, purpose, and values can have a significant impact on your future. These types of goals can help you leverage your strengths, unlock new opportunities, live a more fulfilling life, and make a positive impact on the world. So, take some time to reflect on what matters to you, and set some long-lasting goals that will help you achieve your dreams and aspirations.

STEP THREE: Setting Goals That Are Assessable and Achievable:

Assessable goals mean those goals that can be measured, assessed or checked out. To make evaluable goals the first step is to define what you want to achieve. A good goal is specific, estimable, attainable, relevant and time -bound.

This means that your goal should be clear, easy to track progress towards, within your capabilities, relevant to your overall objectives, and have a specific deadline. For example, instead of setting a goal to lose weight,a more accessible goal would be to lose 10 pounds” in the next three months by exercising three times a week and following a healthy diet.

Setting goals is an essential part of achieving success in any area of life. Whether it’s in business, education, health, fitness or personal development, having a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how to achieve it is crucial. However, setting goals that are too vague or unreal can lead to frustration and failure.

Once you have defined your goal, it’s important to break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will make the goal more achievable and less overwhelming. For example, if your goal is to launch a new product within six months, you can break it down into smaller tasks like market research, product development, packaging design, and marketing strategy. 

Another important aspect of setting accessible goals is to review and track your progress regularly. This will help you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your plan if you are falling behind. You can use a journal, spreadsheet, or app to keep track of your progress and identify areas where you need to improve.

 Assessable  Goals

Next, it is also essential to celebrate your achievements along the way. This will help you stay motivated and reinforce the positive behaviours that have led to your success. Whether it is treating yourself to a favourite meal or taking a day off, celebrating your progress will help you stay focused on your goals and avoid burnout.

Finally, it’s important to be flexible and adjust your goals as necessary. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change quickly. If you find that your goal is no longer relevant or attainable, it’s important to adjust your plan and set new goals that align with your current situation. 

In conclusion, setting accessible goals that are achievable is a crucial component of achieving success in any area of life. By defining specific goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks, tracking progress, celebrating achievements, and being flexible, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your dreams. Remember, the key is to stay focused, stay motivated, and never give up on yourself and your goals.

STEP FOUR: Setting Goals That Are Relevant and often Reviewed.

Setting goals is essential for achieving success, but it’s equally important to ensure that your goals are relevant to your desired outcome. Relevant goals are those that align with your values, priorities, and aspirations, and that contribute to your overall growth and progress. By setting relevant goals, you can ensure that you stay focused on what’s truly important and avoid distractions or detours that may lead you off course.  

4.1   The first step in setting relevant goals is to consider your overall objectives. What do you want to achieve in the long term? Once you have a clear idea of your overall objectives, you can set specific goals that align with them. For example, if your long-term objective is to start a successful business, your relevant goal might be to launch a new product within six months.  

4.2   The next step in setting relevant goals is to consider your competencies. What are you good at? What skills do you have? By focusing on your strengths, you can set goals that are more achievable and relevant to your overall objectives. For example, if you have a talent for writing, your relevant goal might be to publish a book or start a blog.  

4.3  Another important factor to consider when setting relevant goals is your interests and passions. What do you enjoy doing? What activities or hobbies make you happy? By setting goals that align with your interests and passions, you can stay motivated and engaged in the processes.

For example, if you’re passionate about health and fitness, your relevant goal might be to run a marathon or start a fitness business.  

4.4.  In addition to your competencies and passions, it is also important to consider your principles and values when setting goals. What do you stand for? What are your core values? By setting goals that align with your principles, you can live a more fulfilling and authentic life. For example, if you value environmental sustainability your relevant goal might be to reduce your carbon footprint or start a green initiative in your community.  Relevant Goals

4.5    Next caveat of relevancy requires that you review them often. Regular reviews help you track your progress, identify any obstacles or challenges, and make any necessary changes to stay on track. Regularly reviewing your goals can help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments to your plan. You can review your goals weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on your preferences.  

4.6    Furthermore, the review brings both learnings and lessons. It is also important to celebrate your achievements along the way. Celebrating your progress can help you stay motivated and reinforce the positive behaviours that have led to your success. For instance, whether it is treating yourself to a favourite meal or taking a day off, celebrating your achievements can help you stay focused on your goals and avoid burnout. By reviewing your goals often, you can also stay motivated and inspired, celebrate your successes, and learn from your failures.  

4.7   Finally, identify what you want to achieve in the short-term and long-term. Then, break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps that you can take each day, Week, or month. Write down your goals and keep them visible, whether on a whiteboard, in a planner, or on your phone. Set reminders to review your progress regularly and adjust your plans as needed.  

In summary, setting relevant goals that are regularly reviewed is a powerful way to achieve success. By aligning your goals with your values and priorities, breaking them down into manageable steps, and reviewing them often, you can stay focused, motivated, and on track to achieve your desired outcome.

STEP FIVE: Setting Goals That Are Integrated and Insightful of IKIGAI

Ikigai Goals

 Ikigai is a Japanese concept that refers to a sense of purpose and fulfilment in life. Setting insightful Ikigai goals that are balanced can help you live a more meaningful and satisfying life. Here’s an expansion with examples.

Explore the convergence of ikigai’s four primary elements: what you love (your passion), what the world needs (your mission), what you are good at (your vocation), and what you can get paid for (your profession).

To set insightful Ikigai goals, start by identifying what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. These four elements – PASSION, PROFESSION, PURPOSE AND MISSION – form the basis of Ikigai and can help you discover true calling in life.  

Passion: Identify what you love to do and what brings you joy and fulfilment. This could be anything from painting to hiking or volunteering. 

Skills: Identify what you’re good at and what you can excel in. This could be a specific skill like coding or writing or a broader skill like problem-solving or communication.

Purpose: Identify what the world needs and how you can contribute to making a positive impact. This could be anything from helping others in need to advocating for environmental issues.

Income: Identify what you can be paid for and how you can monetise your passions, skills, and purpose. This could be a job or a business opportunity that aligns with your values and goals.

Once you’ve identified these four elements, you can start setting balanced and insightful Ikigai goals that incorporate all of them.

Integrated Goals

For example: 

  • Start a non-profit organisation that promotes environmental awareness and sustainability while utilising your passion for nature, skills in project management, purpose of making a positive impact, and income from donations and grants.
  • Become a freelance writer who specialises in writing about mental health and wellness while utilising your passion for writing, skills in research and communication, purpose of helping others, and income from writing gigs and affiliate marketing.  
  • Pursue a career in medicine that focuses on helping underprivileged communities while utilising your passion for science and medicine, skills in problem-solving and critical thinking, purpose of making a positive impact, and income from a fulfilling and well-paying job. 

In summary, setting balanced and insightful Ikigai goals can help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. By incorporating your passion, skills, purpose, and income, you can find a career or lifestyle that aligns with your values and goals and contributes to your overall happiness and well-being.  

STEP SIX: Setting Goals That Are Timely and Time-bound:

Time Bound GoalsSetting timely goals with time-bound steps is a crucial aspect of achieving success and making progress in your personal and professional life. Here’s an enunciation on how to set timely goals with time-bound steps

To set timely goals with time-bound steps, start by identifying your long-term goals and breaking them down into smaller, short-term goals. Then, establish specific and measurable steps that you can take to achieve each of your short-term goals within a set timeframe.  

For example, if your long-term goal is to start your own business, your short-term goal might be to write a business plan within the next three months. 

The time-bound steps you could take to achieve this goal could include:

  1. Conduct market research and analysis within the first month to identify your target audience, competitors, and industry trends.
  2. Develop a business plan outline by the end of the second month that includes sections on market analysis, product/service offering, financial projections, and marketing strategy
  3. Draft a complete business plan by the end of the third month and get feedback from a trusted mentor or business advisor.
  4. Revise and finalise your business plan based on feedback within the next week.  

By breaking down your goals into specific and measurable time-bound steps, you can create a roadmap that guides you towards achieving your desired outcomes within a set timeframe. 

Here are some tips for setting timely goals with time-bound steps:

  1. Set realistic and achievable deadlines for each step, based on your schedule and availability
  2. Break down large goals into smaller and more manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed or demotivated.
  3. Regularly track your progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that you’re on track to achieve your desired outcomes
  4. Celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small they may seem, to stay motivated and engaged.
  5. Stay focused and committed to achieving your goals, even if you encounter setbacks or obstacles along the way.  

In summary, setting timely goals with time-bound steps is an essential aspect of achieving success and making progress in your personal and professional life. By breaking down your goals into specific and measurable steps and establishing achievable deadlines for each step, you can stay motivated and on track towards achieving your desired outcomes within a set timeframe.

STEP SEVEN: Setting Goals That Yield-Result and Happiness:

Goals to give you Joy Setting result-yielding goals that yield joy and satisfaction is an essential aspect of creating a fulfilling and meaningful life. Here’s an enunciation on how to set such goals:

7.1     Identify your passions and values: Start by identifying the things that bring you joy and satisfaction, as well as your core values. This will help you determine what goals are most meaningful to you.

7.2    Set goals that align with your passions and values: Based on your passions and values, set goals that will allow you to pursue your interests and live in alignment with your values. This will help ensure that your goals are personally meaningful and fulfilling.

7.3   Create a plan of action: Break down your goals into specific and measurable steps, and create a plan of action that outlines what you need to do to achieve each step. This will help keep you organised and motivated.

7.4   Take action: Once you have a plan, take action towards achieving your goals. Focus on the steps that will bring you the most joy and satisfaction, and prioritise those steps in your plan.

7.5   Celebrate your successes: As you make progress towards your goals, celebrate your successes along the way. This will help keep you motivated and reinforce the joy and satisfaction that comes with achieving your goals.

7.6   Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your progress and adjust your goals and plans as needed. This will help ensure that you stay aligned with your passions and values and continue to pursue goals that bring you joy and satisfaction.

Examples of result-yielding goals that yield joy and satisfaction could include:  

  • Starting a side hustle or passion project that allows you to pursue your interests and passions
  • Learning a new skill or hobby that brings you joy and fulfilment.
  • Building stronger relationships with friends and family members.
  • Setting and achieving fitness goals that make you feel strong and healthy.
  • Pursuing career goals that align with your passions and values, such as starting your own business or pursuing a career in a field that you’re passionate about.  

To summarise, setting result-yielding goals that yield joy and satisfaction is an essential aspect of creating a fulfilling and meaningful life. By identifying your passions and values, setting goals that align with those passions and values, creating a plan of action, taking action, celebrating your successes, and reflecting and adjusting as needed, you can achieve your goals and create a life that brings you joy and satisfaction.


When you set goals make sure they motivate you and spur you on: this means they should be important to you, adding value to your life and journey. They should be in keeping with the dominant frames of your multiple intelligences so that the motivation does not sag or diminish. Set goals with high priority.


To make sure your goal is motivating

Write it down and think

WHY it is valuable to you.

How will it fit into your Big Picture? If you were to voice it,

Can you convince others? about its  importance; to your present, and future.

You can make a value statement and read it whenever you have: self-doubt, lose confidence or slacken off the pace or direction.

Once designed and decided you need to take several kaizen*steps that inch you closer and closer to your dream. These well determined small steps will help you follow your goals never stopping but always marching on.

It is not enoughHi, 

I ‘m the founder of High -Powered Career Academy on a mission to help Students to achieve the right clarity of their innate talents, adopt effective study skills, set clear and holistic goals and accomplish them easily and joyfully.         

 Trust me, it will be a game plan finding your potential        powers, weaving them to craft a motif that is compatible with your capacity and passions.

There is no end to pushing your potential. 

Sky is the limit, is an outmoded phrase, now miracles happen beyond the skies. 

More Power To You (MPTY).

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17 thoughts on “7 Powerful Strategies to focus on while Setting ClarityGoals & Achieving Them: The C.l.a.r.i.t.y Goals”

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